
I have been doing small tech projects for a couple of years now, but I have never really taken the time to share any of them with the world. The primary reason for this is that most of my projects never really finished, but got left behind in favor of a new project (or TV show).

There were three reasons for me to start this website:

  1. Because it involves new tools that I can play around with (e.g. Hugo and Netlify).
  2. To document my activities so that I can reference them and reflect on them in the future
  3. It would make me happy if some other person stumbled across this site and found it interesting or helpful.

Online platform vs self-hosted

There are many online platforms where you can blog for free. Popular ones like and come to mind. It is very easy to start blogging using these platforms and they have some great features (and great SEO rankings). I am personally of the opinion that hosting your own blog has some advantages as well, the most important one that it is more fun to setup.

Creating a blog with Hugo

This website is nothing more than a bunch of markdown files and a yaml config thrown into a generator. The generator I am using is hugo and the theme that is being used is PaperMod. To generate to logo and favicon I used favicon.ico with the colors used by PaperMod.

Deploying your blog to the web

Because this is a static website that it built from git, Netlify is a good platform to host it at. I created a new project that uses free hosting from Netlify. It automatically builds hugo and is deployed at

It was about 3 clicks and 5 minutes of work, I can not imagine an easier way to deploy web-apps.

Closing statement

I am looking forward to explore more features of hugo and PaperMod on this blog. Stay tuned.